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Email  is a need not only for marketing.

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Email marketing
Home » Blog » Digital Marketing » Start blogging » Email Marketing » Email  is a need not only for marketing.

It is my day-to-day activity to check my inbox. Sometimes I check for important mail, sometimes for surprise mail. So, whatever development is happening across IT industries you and I  need email service. From the autocorrect option to “Help me write” the AI feature integrated into Gmail powers us 100% more to increase our productivity. If you have not found the “Help me write” button in your Gmail interface. Go to to sign up.

Benefits of Email marketing

Now I will talk about email marketing. I get lots of mail when I visit the website and subscribe to their newsletter or if I use any tool or software I get mail from them. So, you can see the benefit of email marketing. It will help you find the right audience and convert them to paying customers.

When I started my journey as a digital marketing intern it attracted me because automation will be doing its job when you are out on vacation.

In my first attempt when I knew about Google Form and Google sheet I decided if I could make any automation with this tool like someone subscribes through Google form and Google sheet collect name and email. Now there is only one step: how to send automated email to this subscriber. 

Attraction of Email marketing automation

You can be happy to hear that I searched it on Google and found the solution. An add-on named Mergo mail merge for Gmail from Google Workspace marketplace can help you send your first welcome message to the audience. Here your Gmail account will be needed to write a draft email with some opening and closing curly brackets. If you choose to send on form submit then an email will be sent for each response submitted to the form. You can check it and implement it. As a beginner, I suggest you try this tool. 


As I have already stated in my title, email is a necessity, not just for marketing. When you combine email and marketing, it becomes a more powerful tool that can significantly increase the chances of success for all of our marketing efforts.

Author Profile

Anup Ain

Hey, my name is Anup Ain. I am a blogger and a digital marketing intern. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.