Digital Marketing at a glance

Digital Marketing

In 2020 I found myself doing something to get back my earning status. Therefore, I got into Digital Marketing. I thoroughly inquired about it and decided to step into this highly demanded skill. From the very beginning, my intention was to get a job in the field of DM. So, I started searching about it … Read more

Stop worrying about money

stop worrying keep smiling

Worrying means thinking about the future consequences of the present situation. Money is an essential part of our life. Although it’s important to plan for future financial needs, focusing too much on money can lead to negative outcomes. Stop worrying about money! But how can we stop worrying about money?  Table of Contents How can … Read more

What to do when bored?

what to do when bored

Why are we bored? When I have nothing to do, I am bored. But nobody works all the time. So, we feel bored when nothing interesting is happening in the thought process or in front of us. If you walk, you feel a movement changing from one place to another, but you feel tired when … Read more

How to build self-confidence?

Build self-confidence

What is self-confidence? When we say to ourselves, yes, we can do it, that is self-confidence; if you don’t feel capable enough of doing a job, you lack confidence. But why do you feel like this? You have not done it previously for a long time. So there has not been any perfection built up … Read more



What is mindset? I think everyone hears the word “mindset.” The attitude is to do a particular task until we get success. The decision we take and stick to it in the face of adversity is called mindset. Table of Contents What is a good mindset? A good attitude is to do something for a … Read more

Your money or your life

money or life

What should we choose to live? You know we all need money. Money can buy honey, even anything you can dream of, but life is not all about money. Life is not also the time between birth and death. We have to do some activities that can impact heavily on this earth. The life of … Read more

How to live a happy life?

Happy life

Imagine waking up each morning with a genuine smile on your face, feeling energized, fulfilled, and ready to embrace the day—sounds like a dream, right? But what if I told you that this dream can become your reality? Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover the secrets to living a truly happy life, where joy, … Read more

SEO Mastery for Blogs: Boost Your Online Presence

SEO for blogs

So, you’re curious about SEO, huh? Well, let me explain what is SEO for blogs. SEO, short for search engine optimization, is like the secret sauce that helps your website rock and roll on search engines like Google. It’s about making your site unique and getting more visitors. By using the right keywords, creating great … Read more

Bloggers’ passion should be Just blogging

bloggers passion

A blogger’s aim to achieve in life is Just blogging. Bloggers’ passion should not only be just blogging but also reflecting on their journey to reach the maximum audience. It is bloggers’ passion that I write my thoughts. I just wanted to share my view on a particular topic. I am blogging or writing; I … Read more