When you have no problem doing anything, you feel comfortable and easy to do anything when you feel that this is the job you wanted and feel happy now to do this.
To be precise, when you have all the necessary answers at your fingertip to solve any problem, you are good.
Therefore, to be good at anything, you should solve any problem.
Be good at anything in a day, month, and year.
In the self-learning process, you have a better and a worse day. If you have learned something you have not known before, the day is your day. Every day, a new lesson is adding up in your knowledge store, and you are becoming knowledgeable toward achieving perfection or mastery. What you get in a day, you will get more in a month and most in a year. How do you become good at anything? Ans. Just take baby steps.
So, you see that a consistent approach towards life will get the positive result you expect from you or from the process you follow up.
Should we give up or stay motivated to be good at anything?
I felt confused in the self-learning process many times. Because whenever I thought about the results, I got stuck. So, before starting anything like preparation for a job, exam, or business, we get stuck if we think only about the negative side of a goal. It will be better to think before doing or starting anything.
The question that arises in my mind is if we face failure to get (such and such) anything, what is the next? So, only changing the goal after getting stuck is not the best solution.
Is this a mindset problem?
Because we see someone doing a particular job, we decide later to do the same and move ahead. There is the intention behind starting or doing any job. That is monetary. From this point, this is not wrong. But who is doing it may be the right question. If the doers fail by estimating their self-capacity or capabilities about their past performance and achievements, it is like finding the valuables in a dark place. If we shine some light in a dark place, we can easily find the missing thing.
How can we find the missing things in a dark place? Answer – Shine some light. But when we are going through the self-learning process, if we are confused, we should remember our goal. Suppose there is a need to know a particular skill to get a job, then first learn any skill, then implement it to gain confidence. If you get results, then it will build confidence automatically in you. When you are confident enough to perform the skill at your fingertip, there is no turning back or giving up.
In conclusion, when we are unmotivated, it is the best motivation for us to go ahead and make things easier; to be good at anything takes time and lots of practice. Keep patience and do it consistently until you get success.
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Anup Ain
Hey, my name is Anup Ain. I am a blogger and a digital marketing intern. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.